
Some of the solutions built by us

ZKTeco Biometric PUSH SDK / PULL SDK Integration

We offer customized applications for integrating ZKTeco Fingerprint/Face attendance devices including integration using Push SDK (ADMS/Cloud) and Pull SDK

Virtual Printer Solutions

We provide Virtual Printer solutions. User would print to a virtual printer, the print job is captured and then we can process it further. For example: send to one or more real printers, save locally or on cloud etc.

Print from web page

Print POS receipt from web page to local printers. Use USB, Network, WiFi, Bluetooth, Serial thermal printers. Also use builtin printers for Android POS handheld devices.

Excel SMS Add-in

Excel SMS add-in is designed for enabling the users to send fully user-specific targeted SMS right from an Excel sheet, by picking data from sheet.

Smart Printer System

Project Argus


Lox24 SMS Add-in for Outlook

Android Barcode Scan to PC

Windows Mobile App for Motorola Devices

Windows Handheld RFID Scan to PC

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